Delivery service


To calculate shipping, access the website, click on the item you want and enter the delivery zip code in the field indicated. The site will inform all shipping options, with their due deadlines and prices. Consider another 2 business days to the informed period, as this is the average period for approval and confirmation of payment.


To find out the estimated delivery time, enter the delivery zip code in the field defined for this on our website, and the system itself will inform the estimated delivery time as well as its value. Deliveries are made via Correios, which serve 100% of the national territory.

To account for the estimated delivery time, always count from the business day following the posting and consider only business days for accounting. Example: if the order was posted on a Friday, the count starts on Monday; if the order is posted on a Wednesday, the count starts on Thursday, considering that these days are not holidays.


Our posts are made within 4 business days of payment confirmation.


Deliveries are made by Correios, and the delivery times informed on the website are estimated. Therefore, delays or advances may occur. Please note that 10% of orders are delivered late and 5% of orders are lost or misplaced due to robbery or theft. If the order is lost for any reason, we will refund the amount paid. We inform you that the process for confirming the loss and subsequent refund of the amount paid will be done by sending a new order or depositing it in the bank account indicated by the customer. The deadline for payment will occur within 15 working days after confirmation of the loss of the order by the Post Office, this period is long because the Post Office unfortunately can confirm the loss of the order and after a certain period find the package and continue with the shipment, even after refunding the amount paid at the time of purchase.

In risky locations and where Correios does not deliver to the indicated address, we are not responsible for non-delivery. The customer must pick up the order at the agency indicated for that purpose.